I had the pleasure of presenting to the local San Francisco CSI Chapter last week. It was a repeat of my presentation at CONSTRUCT 2013, so there was not much prep. I appreciated that part. What I did not expect it for the audio from my videos to not work. The lesson learned was to not mix too much technology in one presentation. I did the presentation in Prezi, using my IPad via an Apple TV linked via HDMI to a projector with speakers plugged in. The HDMI video and audio trumped the audio from the speakers…so no audio since the HDMI send audio to the projector, but no audio. Anyways, it still went well and seemed to have made the room full of AEC professionals happy. We started a little late, cause we were waiting on the food – then I had the video/audio meltdown. You will not see it in the video, the beauty of video editing. I will keep it simple next time, but I am glad I recorded it.